I’ll be honest, I had NO idea what I was going to write
about in this year’s Christmas letter.
Sure, I could always go the conventional route and simply list each of
our accomplishments this year, one by boring one. However, if you have ever read me you
understand that I am FAR from attracted to reading that sort of thing so I
work hard each year not to write that sort of Christmas letter myself.
Last week I was sitting at our dining room table and
writing our Christmas cards. (Can I
just say that I LOVE to do that? I
love everything about it. I love
selecting from the variety of cards that I keep on hand—you know, the
religious, the funny, the cute…… I
love selecting which Forever Christmas stamp to use on which card, which
return address label to select and which sticker or seal to use on the back
[and sometimes front]. I love greeting
cards and those of the Christmas variety are the absolute best.) While I was sitting there Adam walked by
and said “are we inviting THAT many people to Christmas?” I said no and he said “well then why are
you sending out so many invitations?”
I told him they were not invitations to a party they were Christmas
cards. He asked why anyone would want
to do that—you know, sit down and intentionally
write something many times ON PURPOSE?!
When I told him that it was just a small way to share the holiday with
our family and friends he shook his head and said “that looks kinda hard, I
think I’ll make my wife do it.” Let
me just say to the future Mrs. Adam Hendler wherever she may be that you
heard it here first.
Anyway, as I was working on the cards I could hear the
boys in the playroom (the doors from the dining room were open) and I heard
Adam say to Alex from clear out of the blue, “So what do you think about
purgatory?” (You know you are raising a Catholic kid when……….) I’ll admit, my ears perked up. I nonchalantly turned down the TV in the
kitchen with the remote using my left hand while continuing to look busy
writing with my right hand and completely eavesdropping with the rest of
myself. Adam was sitting and playing a
game on his I pad and Alex was playing a video game on his PS4 and neither of
them ever looked up as they spoke.
Alex said “Purgatory? I always
pictured it as this great big white waiting room with all these people
sitting around just waiting for their turn to go up.” Adam replied with, “yea, I get that. I wonder how many prayers it takes to get
to go up?” Alex said “good question, I’m
not sure.” Adam followed with, “I
think everybody is graded up there…….like if you did a bad thing that was
rated a “bad” level of 4 then you need at least four prayers to get out.” Alex said “Huh. I guess that’s a good theory. All I can say is that I hope I’m not bad at
like a level 50 or something because I hate to wait around.” Adam came back with “I don’t think you have
to wait more than a year---even though there is no time up there.” When Alex asked why, Adam told him it was “because
on All Soul’s Day people on earth HAVE to pray for all of the people in purgatory
and that’s a LOT of prayers Alex.” I
quit listening after Alex ended with “oh, so THAT’S what that day is
for??? GOOD. I HATE to wait around.”
And there my friends and family, was the birth of the
idea for the Christmas letter for 2015. “Waiting around.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson once asked “how much of human life is lost in waiting?” Had I been around when he posed that
question I would have responded with “LOTS!”
Every year we all spend LOTS of time waiting around for this or that and
this year was no different.
This year Alex turned 15. 
He then began to wait to get his driving permit while I waited for my
Xanax to kick in
He played hard and waited to earn a varsity letter in tennis.
In the fall he waited to shower after each
football game since I would not let him near other humans before he did so.
He waited to ask his girlfriend Abby to the Homecoming
dance and then they waited to go.
James and I spent all of our time at home waiting for Alex
to come out of his room and make an appearance. We are lucky in that he has no natural sustainable
food source in there and we can always wait for him to come out for a meal,
or a snack, or a drink, or a bite of something------anything really. He can eat his body weight in food daily and we continue
to wait for his metabolism to slow down and for him to gain some actual
weight. We miss him. We patiently wait for our sightings each day.
James spent the past 12 years waiting to build a deck on
to the back of our home. He is
THRILLED to say that the wait is over.
WE both LOVE the new deck!! (that is almost complete)
I spent the year driving to airports and waiting for
planes to take me to Washington D.C., Charlotte North Carolina, Orlando
Florida, Newport Beach, California, Princeton, New Jersey and Denver,
Colorado. The boys joined me in
Washington D.C. and we waited many times for the subway.
We also waited to get into museums and onto tour busses. We waited for a table at many restaurants and for someone to arrive with room service. Finally, we waited to watch the fireworks from Washington D.C. on the 4th of July. They all REALLY enjoyed it.
When I was not driving somewhere
I was busy trying to
place 23 graduate students in TWO internship sites EACH. This took 8 whole months and when finished,
there was cake to be shared! (That is
a record number coming out of our program in a single semester.)
Adam, waited to start day one of 6th grade and
tolerated a picture I took with his principal.
He waited to be put in for a
play or two in 6th grade football 
and he waited to FINALLY
complete his dyslexia reading program!!!
That was a THREE year wait and worth every minute.
Adam has also waited a long time to be "student of the month" and he now has to wait no more!
Adam continues to wait for a phone and as much as we keep
telling him that you have to have the word “teen” behind your age to have a
phone in our house he continues to wait “loudly” as his days to teen-hood
seem to crawl. He waited for us to
inevitably “inherit” another dog (bringing the total herd up to THREE!!) He
also continues to wait to grow up to be JUST like his dad.
The Mary Immaculate boys basketball team waited ALL fall
season to win just ONE game----which they did at the VERY END!!!
Currently we are waiting for the Mary Immaculate School Christmas
program. Adam will get to be “Joseph" this year. (Quite the step up from the Christmas "sheep" he played last year.)
Sometimes waiting can be painful. This year we waited for James’ mom to
complete a course of cancer treatments.
In August we waited to say goodbye to her as she was sadly called "home."
We waited through my mom’s annual follow up oncology
appointment and waited some more as my dad worked his way through his own
cancer diagnosis. All along, we were
waiting for good news from both of them and we were grateful to receive
it. Since dad could not come up to
visit on Thanksgiving, he waited for Molly and I to send him a selfie.
We waited for my step sister to move to Missouri with her
husband and now I finally have a relative in my state! We welcome Stacey and Tony to Missouri!
In October I waited to travel back home to celebrate my 30
year high school class reunion. I seriously had the BEST time!!!