Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Letter 2005----Our favorite parts of the year

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas.  I can’t believe it’s “that” time again.  I had no idea what to write about this year since I just looked at the calendar yesterday and swear it was June.  Then, just when I thought I would have to forego the letter this year due to no creative inspiration, our oldest son Alex provided just the jolt I needed.

Every single solitary day, regardless of where we are trying to go, Alex and I have the exact same conversation.  This morning was no different.  I was running around the house trying to find my (shoes, keys, purse, sanity…insert noun of choice here) and Alex (who is 5) and I began our daily exchange:

Mom:  Alex, its time to go to school/church/shopping….  Get your shoes and coat. (When I am in a good mood and five minutes late versus ten I add a “please” get your coat and shoes)
Alex:  But mom, I can’t…..this is my FAVORITE part. (Can you guess he’s watching television?)
Mom:  But Alex, I thought you were watching your favorite part yesterday? (along with a completely different program!)
Alex:  Well yea, but this is my OTHER favorite part…..
Mom:  (Insert eye roll here). 

Now some would say this would be the time to re-examine my/our ideals and perhaps take stock in how much television watching the child is doing and implement an effective course of action to decrease the amount of viewing ……but I saw this instead as my opportunity to create fodder for the Christmas letter.

James and I have had several “favorite” parts of the year and just as Alex is compelled to share his with me every single morning, I, in turn, offer the following to you:

 Our “favorite parts” of this year included:

Alex jumping off the back of papa Jim’s boat all by himself….and NOT drowning

Adam sleeping through the night so we could too

The whirlpool section of the public pool in Camdenton

Spending time at Mom and Bob’s new condo at the lake and not spilling (much) on the white carpeting yet

Alex telling James that he wants to hunt with him when he is “big” (and James settling for my suggestion of “bigger than now”)
Alex telling James that he would give up his “favorite” show on t.v. to go fishing with him so that he would not be sad because daddy had to go all by himself (you know with all that peace and quiet…..yuck!)

Spending time with the family in Las Vegas at Molly’s wedding and not gambling away the vehicles, house or kids

Watching Adam climb into his own high chair and look at us when he is hungry

Alex’s first day of Kindergarten…..(and him waiting until the SECOND day to hit another kid----lightly)

Alex scoring seven goals in a single game in his first season of soccer…..and the other parents not hitting us

Alex’s first day of riding a two-wheel bike solo….so James could stop running behind him (and cussing) and catch his breath

Completing the addition on the house……so we now ALL have room to breathe, run, dance, play and spill more drinks

Experiencing safe travel every time we left the house…..regardless of how many “mom look at this RIGHT NOW” requests we got while doing 65 down the highway

Adam feeding himself (and not the dog) with a spoon

Showing James our picture for Christmas this year (included in your letter) and having him ask…. “so where’s your right arm?  (we’re still laughing at that one and yes I still have both arms…….I have no idea what I’m doing in that picture but it is the ONLY one where we are all facing forward, with our heads above the leaves and smiling. Oh yea….and no ones nose is running!)

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  I CAN'T FIND THE PHOTO THAT I AM REFERRING TO IN THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH SO I AM INSERTING ONE OF ALEX AND ADAM ON A HORSE.  WHY?  I HAVE NO IDEA.  I DO NOT HAVE A HORSE LETTER (AND DON'T PARTICULARLY LIKE OR DISLIKE HORSES) BUT I LOVE THE PICTURE.--also, I have no idea who that person is who is leading the horse and bet she never thought she would end up as a photo in a Christmas letter)  

Well I need to close for this year…. Adam is now standing at the gate at the top of the stairs screeching something in Russian to James who dared to descend the stairs and leave his sight! Besides, its time to take Alex shopping for baking ingredients for our annual cookie-baking fest but at the moment he’s watching the Grinch……and its his favorite part………*sigh*

Lots of Love and Happy Holiday wishes to everyone…….
Melissa & the boys

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It's that TIME of year again--Merry Christmas, 2024.

  “God goes to those who have time to hear him – and so on this cloudless night he went to the simple shepherds.”  ~ Max Lucado            ...